
Neurosurgery Research and Education Foundation

The Neurosurgery Research and Education Foundation (NREF) is dedicated to providing education to neurosurgeons at all stages of their careers, as well as funding research into new and existing neurosurgical treatments, in order to identify links between best practices and improved outcomes in patient care. Through voluntary public donations, corporate support, and donations from allied groups, the NREF supports endeavors that impact the lives of those suffering from epilepsy, stroke, brain tumors, spinal disorders, sports-related head injuries, lower back pain and Parkinson’s disease.

Since 1980, the NREF has invested more than $17 million in the future of neurosurgery. We are dedicated to providing education to neurosurgeons at all stages of their careers, as well as funding research into new and existing neurosurgical treatments. With our innovative new donation opportunities, the Foundation is poised to extend the reach of our educational and research programs that will bring advances in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders and improved patient care.

We need your help to continue this mission. Help us to help you, the specialty, the Cerebrovascular section and the next generation of neurosurgeons with your gift to the NREF. To make a donation, please visit the NREF Donate page and select “Research” from the Donation Options menu and “Cerebrovascular” as your subspecialty. Thank you for including NREF in your philanthropy.



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